Thursday, January 19, 2012

How to setup AT&T prepaid GoPhone plan on iPhone 4S or iPhone 4

Once you have an AT&T GoPhone sim card, you may insert the sim card into the iPhone and you should immediately be able to make phone calls. If you are planning to use it on iPhone 4 or iPhone 4s, you will need to cut the sim card to micro-sim size in order to fit in the sim card tray.
Now comes the hard part, you will need to setup the phone to use a prepaid data plan. Here's a step by step guide to walk through the process:
  1. Setup the iPhone with wifi connection
  2. Open Safari on iPhone and visit
  3. Follow the steps and continue until creating the profile. You will need to choose AT&T as the carrier.
  4. Install the profile and replace your current one. 
  5. Restart the iPhone.
  6. Congratulations! now your AT&T prepaid data plan should work.

Leave a comment if it works for you!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

iPhone JailBreak/Unlock Tools download

You may download all versions of the iPhone jailbreak/unlock tools here.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to restore Samsung Galaxy S 4G Skyrocket I727 to stock rom

The following is a step by step process of restoring the Samsung Galaxy S II (AT&T Skyrocket I727) to stock ROM. Sometimes a factory reset does not fix the issue with the phone. You will then need to perform a restore to stock ROM to fully recover it. Or if your phone is bricked during flashing, restoring to stock ROM may also fix the issue. I have personally tried the below steps and it worked for me. 

  • Make sure Samsung USB driver is installed on your PC
  • Download and unzip odin 1.85 on your desktop
  • Download and unzip the file on your desktop
  • Start Odin 1.85
  • Put the phone in download mode (Hold both volume keys and then connect to PC with USB cable)
  • Odin will should detect the phone in several seconds and show a yellow bar with com port number
  • Check auto-reboot and uncheck all others in odin
  • Press start and it shall progress and then reboot the phone. Once it's done, odin will show a green bar with "passed" and the phone will reboot
  • Congratuations, now you just flashed the phone to stock ROM  


Sometimes i had problem with Odin 1.85. I then tried to use Odin 1.7 and it worked for me.

Leave a comment if it works for you!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to fix iMessage on iOS 5 with unlocked iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4

The following is a step-by-step guide to fix iMessage on software-unlocked iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4. It will work for other iPhone models as well.

  • Start Cydia on iPhone and add to the source
  • Install SAM and SAMpref from the repository
  • Go to Settings -> Sam in SamPref and choose "Revert Lockdownd to Stock"
  • Choose De-Activate iPhone in SamPref.
  • Connect iPhone to iTunes and activate it.
  • Go to Settings -> Sam ->Utilities. Choose backup activation and then restore activation.
  • Restart the iPhone and install the free iPusher from Apple Store.
  • Open the iPusher app and click test push notification. The push notification should work now.
  • Turn off iMessage. Reboot the Phone. Turn back on iMessage.
  • Congratuations! iMessage should work now!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to unlock iPhone 3GS on iOS 5

The following is a guide to unlock iPhone 3GS on iOS 5.0.1 via software. Before you proceed, please make sure that your iPhone 3GS is not one of the ones that comes with Toshiba baseband chip. This is the easiest/fastest method i've found and i've tested it working personally. The risk of bricking your phone is minimal.

  1. Check the serial number of your iPhone, if it's produced before 41th week of 2009 (old boot rom), it's on old bootrom and you need to download this file. Otherwise (new boot rom), you need to download this file. If you do not know which week it is produced, you can use this tool to check.
  2. Download latest redsn0w for Windows / Mac
  3. Start redsn0w. Go to Extras->Pwned DFU and follow instructions to get the iPhone in Pwned DFU mode.
  4. Start iTunes. Shift+Click Restore and choose the file downloaded in step #1
  5. If your phone is on old boot rom, skip this step. Otherwise, Power off the phone. Start redsn0w. Choose Jailbreak and follow instructions to jailbreak the phone. uncheck install Cydia.
  6. Reboot the iPhone. Enter Cydia and search for Ultrasn0w package. Install it.
  7. Turn off and then turn on airplane mode. Voila! Your iPhone 3GS is unlocked on iOS 5.0.1!

Did it work for you? Please leave a comment!

Monday, January 2, 2012

iPhone 3GS 8GB Unlock issue with iPad Baseband (Error code -1)

Some iPhone 3GS 8GB cannot be unlocked with iPad Baseband 6.15.00. Those iPhones are produced with Toshiba baseband chip instead of the original Infineon chip. Therefore it's not compatible with the iPad baseband. If you attempt to flash it with the iPad baseband, you are running the risk of corrupting the baseband and bricking the phone. You will end up with NO wifi/bluetooth/imei after the baseband is corrupted. Restoring the phone in iTunes will result in error code -1. 

iPhone 3GS 8GB that is produced before 2011 are safe to flash. However, certain ones produced in 2011 that is after week 28 are not safe. But because phones come from different factories, you mileage may vary.

Some confirmed safe to flash begin with:

QR112xx (refurbished)
QR135xx (refurbished)
QR138xx (refurbished)
QR148xx (refurbished)
QR149xx (refurbished)
QR152xx (refurbished)
QR201xx (refurbished)
QR208xx (refurbished)
QR209xx (refurbished)


Confirmed bricked serials begin with:

QR142xx (refurbished)
QR147xx (refurbished)
QR202xx (refurbished)
QR212xx (refurbished)

The list will be continuously updated. You may post your serial and your unlock experience in the comments and it'll be updated here.



Some folks are asking about if there is a possible solution. At the moment, if you are unlucky enough that bricked the phone. There's no way to recover. However, there is a software based baseband erasing/flashing method that is actively under development. This method may be able to re-flash the corrupted baseband. Once the developer releases the software, we'll post it too. 

You may also try your luck at apple store genius bar. In general, attempting to flash the baseband will void the apple warranty. But YMMV.  

For iPhone 3GS 16GB or 32GB, Apple stopped producing them in 2011. However, apple may still refurbish them so some 3GS 16GB/32GB may still have a serial number greater than week 28. We have reports that some iPhone 3GS 16GB/32GB with serial number greater than week 28 are bricked.

One anonymous reader tipped that for most accurate result, it is advised to open up the phone and check the id on the baseband chip, if it is 36MY1EE it will work, if it's anything else, it will brick. Thanks!

It's confirmed that the baseband downgrade will NOT work with the toshiba baseband. So if your phone is bricked due to flashing a 6.15 baseband, you cannot recover it via baseband downgrade.